
Prototype mental health app

Mindful moment is a journaling app to help improve the mental health of college students.


I was tasked with developing a real world problem statement from research. Over the course of four weeks, I went through every step of the UX design process to create a proposed solution.

How might we help college students take control of, track, and improve their mental health by offering a safe and convenient space for them to do so?


A journaling app specifically designed for College students' busy schedules.


Research, user personas, journey mapping, wireframes, hi-fi prototype



Student mental health is a serious problem at New York University. According to the school’s wellness webpage, 22.5 percent of NYU students reported that anxiety had impacted their academic performance within the past year. Nearly sixty percent of students reporting symptoms of depression said it was more difficult to complete schoolwork and get along with people. NYU offers myriad of resources to help students with their mental health issues and sends out occasional emails reminding students to get outside or go workout. However, many students to do not take advantage of the resources that are available to them. According to a study from Inside Higher Ed, only 15 percent of students engaged in college-offered counseling in the past year. Possible explanations include busy student schedules, the stigma around mental health, and students spending too much time in front of screens. According to a study conducted in 2014, students reported spending 8-10 hours per day on their mobile devices.

User Personas

Current State Journey Map


Journaling has been shown to be an effective way to increase happiness levels. However, a common pain point of journaling is the time commitment. College students tend to be busy and may find it difficult to allot time to sit down and write. People I talked to mentioned that they tried to start journaling but quickly fell out of habit due to how long it can take to write all about your day. Having an app that simplifies the journaling process would lower the barrier of entry into the practice. The app would set a low bar for success by encouraging users once a day to fill out a few simple journaling questions about their moods and goals for the day. The users would then have the option to go into more detail if they wish. During my user research, I found that one thing people liked about journaling on paper is how you are unable to undo what you have written, especially if it is in pen. A potential option for the app would disable the backspace feature to replicate that aspect of physical journaling.

User Flow


Final Product


User Experience Designer


Class Assignment

Tool(s) Used



Spring 22

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